Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Busch Gardens

Day 6: July 25, 2009

Ok, so I obviously should have stayed in the backpack. The very first thing they did when we got to Busch Garden's was stuff me up some tree guys nose! It was horribible! Then they walked and walked and walked all around and got on all these scary rides that went up and down and all around. Even in the backpack, I got very dizzy! Some of them you got really WET! The old lady got on one that didn't look like it would be too bad and only got a little wet on one side. But then Daddy and Auntie talked her and the man with the fuzzy face into going on another one, and everything got soaked!!! Luckily, the little purple backpack is semi-waterproof so I didn't get really wet, but my nose was damp! And I didn't like it! The man with the fuzzy face took his shirt off and wrung out about 2 cups of water, and both his and the old lady's shoes were all wet and squishy. She kept taking off her tennis shoes at every ride and setting them in the sun while she waited for Auntie and Daddy to turn upside down and around.

The man with the fuzzy face can drive a mean bumper car too. I thought it was very funny when he deliberately chased down Daddy and Auntie and rammed them! Sorry the picture isn't really clear, but they were moving really fast!

The old lady actually went on a roller coaster without the man with the fuzzy face! He's usually the brave one! She says she actually likes roller coasters, as long as they don't go upside down. The man with the fuzzy face took their picture waiting in line but Auntie hid, as usual. I don't understand why she doesn't like having her picture taken! I LOVE having mine taken. Where's the camera?!

Daddy really liked the slow boat ride where we saw geese and swans. I thought it was the scariest ride there because Daddy held me over the railing! What if he had dropped me! Then we had to walk up this really steep hill. I thought the old lady was going to fall over.

We went back to our little campground for dinner since it was less than 10 minutes from Busch Gardens. Oh, but wait! After the man with the fuzzy face got all wet, he took everything out of his pockets to dry and laid them out on a small wall. When we all got back to the truck to go home for dinner, NO KEY!!!!! The man with the fuzzy face was totally freaking out. I thought everyone else was rather calm considering we might be sleeping in Apollo's Chariot and have to turn upside down every ten minutes. We stopped at Lost and Found and they were no help at all, so we walked back to where he'd left it. No key. Of course, the man with the fuzzy face was freaking out even more. He started calling AAA with visions of locksmiths and $$$ passing before his eyes. The old lady remained more calm and started asking all the vendors and ride technicians if they'd found a key. Finally, at the fifth one, the guy had it!!! The man with the fuzzy face was soooooo happy! I wish the old lady had taken a picture of the relief on his face.

So finally we got back to the campsite, ate dinner, changed into something dry (well, I didn't change, I wasn't wet!), and headed back to Busch Gardens to watch The Little River Band in concert. I thought they were loud; the old lady and the man with the fuzzy face thought they were great. Auntie and Daddy watch for awhile and then went to turn upside down some more. I'm glad they didn't come back with their noses on their heels.

We're back at our little campsite. It's 11:00, we're all tired but happy from a full day. Tomorrow we get to see Jamestown where all the indians live. I hope I get to see Pocahontas! Ta for now!

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