Friday, November 15, 2013

Darn, darn, double darn. I was surrounded by musicians asking for my autograph and I was, well, a little incapacitated so I couldn't hold a pen. And I couldn't get the old lady to take my picture with any of them.

Oh, but I digressh... This weekend we had bunchesh of fun at the Riverhawk Music Festival in Dade City. We've been going for a zillion years and I love it every time.

I went with my beautiful Auntie, Daddy, the Old Lady and the Man With the Fuzzy face. Then all kinds of people joined us as well, including Daddy's friend, Race. I really like Race. He always says hi to me, even though I can tell he thinks a talking monkey is a little odd.

I spent most of my time there just hanging out with my friends and watching the big people. I guess we had a little too much fun the first night at the camp....

One of the really cool thing they had new this year at Riverhawk was a remembery booth. The Old Lady put a note for Daddy's friend Anthony that went to heaven too young. He was really nice. I miss him a lot.

But the absholutley cooleshed thing that happened was when the Old Lady found the guy from Peculiar Notions. He had a booth with all kinds of wonderful monkey things (and some artshy things too, but I'm not into arty shtuff). Actually, Auntie found it first and brought the Old Lady a cool monkey button. So, of course, I had to go check it out.

Look at all these wonderful monkey buttons I found. I kept going back and forth, "I want dish, no, I want dish one, no I really want dish one. Then then, you'll never guessh what happened next. The Old Lady ashked if he would make me a hat! My own hat! And she ashked if he could make it to match the picture on the pin Auntie found! I was sure he couldn't do it, but guess what!?!

He did!!!!

I think Riverhawk is the cooesht place ever!!!!!

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